What my pet dog taught me about self-care

We rescued Shuri in 2019. An asocial pup, she came to us with a lot of anxiety. She refused to be picked up, hugged or cuddled with. She would often hide beneath the bed or dining table. At the time, I was also going through clinical depression. Because Shuri is a pug, she frequently falls ill as pugs tend to be susceptible to health problems due to the unethical nature of their breeding process....

June 16, 2024 · 2 min · 320 words · Madhushree Kulkarni

Seeking Community

I am lying in my bed, staring at the fan. I haven’t stepped out in days. The laundry bag is piling up, reminding me of the 99 ways in which I am failing to be an adult. The dishes need to be placed back into their respective slots. No one at home, except for me. I reach out to grab my phone and feel sick as soon as the display glows....

March 24, 2024 · 4 min · 802 words · Madhushree Kulkarni

Moving In

I approach movement as something my body needs. (Obviously, I can do so because I haven’t had to think about fatness due to being lean my entire life). Like we need to breathe, eat, sleep… we need to move. But it is hard for me to connect to my body, which is weird to say because don’t I literally exist in it? What I mean, I guess, is that I don’t perceive or acknowledge it....

January 14, 2024 · 3 min · 618 words · Madhushree Kulkarni

Mastodon, hellfire Twitter and the week that was

This article will be a work-in-progress node of my digital garden to hold my observations about social media in one place. If you know me, chances are you have heard me scream about quitting Twitter and joining Mastodon. I joined a little before the first wave of Twitter migration. While I had been wanting to get my friends to join Mastodon for a long time, I didn’t actually think they would....

November 8, 2022 · 7 min · 1395 words · Madhushree Kulkarni

Talking to the Unreliable Narrator

Who are you? When I was a child, my answer to this question would be aspirational, traits I wanted to be associated with by other people. I am smart. What is smartness but a metric contingent upon a person’s social and cultural capital? I am hardworking. I am not always hardworking. I procrastinate endlessly when I am anxious. I don’t work hard when I don’t see the point in a particular activity, such as assignments....

October 23, 2022 · 5 min · 1008 words · Madhushree Kulkarni